Kirk Staff

Respect those who labor among you and esteem them very highly in love because of their work.

Future COAA

OUR CHURCH Office administrative assistant (COAA)

We are thankful to be able to introduce Donna Hansen. More to follow soon!
Reading:   l   Listening to: 
Mr. Ty Donaldson

OUR YOUTH & Music Coordinator

Serving in The Kirk’s leadership since 2011, Ty Donaldson was a deacon until 2019 and now serves as an elder in the church. After shutting down his business at the rise of the COVID pandemic, an opportunity arose for him to begin using those learned skills in business toward the church. Now as the Youth & Programs Director, he supports our families in the care and nurturing discipleship of our children and youth. He does this by working alongside parents in providing fellowship and discipleship opportunities for the youth, aiding the Christian Education Committee in the organization and implementation of our children’s educational curriculum, while also supporting the diaconate and session with special projects that may need some extra attention from week to week. He serves alongside his beautiful wife and daughter.
Reading: With All My Heart  l  Listening to: The Briefing  l  Thinking about: A lot of Sound Tech Stuff
Mr. Chris Sather

OUR MUSIC director

Shortly before joining The Kirk in the Fall of 2013, Chris Sather became our Music Director. Using his gifts of being a pianist, he has aided us in the worship of God and faithfully served also in the organizing and directing of the Adult and Children Choirs and Music Ensemble. Known for his sardonic wit, you’ll always leave a conversation with a contemplative smile. Even in his years of discipleship by our previous pastor he jokes that he was told he was “not trying to make him a Calvinist”. Obviously, the attempt of discipleship was in vain.
Reading: A lot of financial stuff!  l  Listening to: Shane and Shane
Mrs. Aubrey Ward


Aubrey Ward has served as the Nursery Coordinator at the Kirk since January of 2021 just a little over a year after she, her husband Chris, and their family of 4 children joined The Kirk. Aubrey loves the children that she is able to care for in the nursery. On top of that, she enjoys the added opportunity that the position gives her to further get to know the members of the church. She likens her joy of ministry in our church to the time she took a swim in the Black Sea. Though at times it can be like swimming in a sea of kids - the coordination of the members that she serve and through her interaction with parents and their children are the things lift her up and give her joy in this ministry to our church.
Mrs. Kate Dyer


Having taught and disciplined so many women of our church, we jumped at the chance of bringing Kate Dyer to help develop our women’s ministry team. Kate is an Alabama girl (Roll Tide), who loves to read, study and all things Scripture. She is the wife of Joe, mother of two wonderful adult children, and a growing number of grandchildren.
Reading: Blessed & Revelations Commentaries!  l  Listening to: The Briefing & Sandra McCracken
Mr. Dan Opazo


In August 2023, the Kirk Presbyterian offered Dan the position of Pastoral Intern in charge of Events and Military Ministry. He is a native of West Palm Beach, Florida but was stationed in Savannah with the Army. After 10 year serving in the Army he is transitioning out and is pursuing a Masters of Divinity at Reformed Theological Seminary. He has been a member at the Kirk since 2018 and a Deacon since 2021. He is joined by his beautiful wife Liz and their 6 sons. He loves to spend time with his family, read theology, and play board games.
Reading: The Lord's Prayer & The Confessions  l  Listening to: The Psalms
Rev. Philip Ryan


Originally from New York State, Philip has called the south home for almost two decades now. Before coming to the Kirk, he was in bi-vocational ministry serving as the Pastor of Marion Presbyterian Church in Marion, AL. He earned graduate degrees in biblical studies from Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, MO, and Emory University.

Philip has been married to his wife, Amanda, for 12 years. They met while at Covenant where Amanda earned a Master’s in Counseling. They have two amazing daughters, Greta and Ruby. Philip enjoys reading, writing, cooking, learning new things, and eating all the delicious food Savannah has to offer. 
Rev. Pete Whitney


In November 2016, the Kirk extended a call to their assistant of three years, Rev. Pete Whitney, to serve as their pastor. Pete is a native of South Florida, who during undergraduate studies at Furman University became converted to Christ through the loving ministry of a friend and listening to sermons on the Book of Galatians. A couple years later, while serving as a Field Artillery Officer in the U.S. Army, Pete started to discern a call to serve in gospel ministry and the rest is history.

Pete is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi. Pete is the proud father of four young rascals and husband to his wonderful wife, Nan. He loves eating, praying, reading, exercising and playing all kinds of sports with friends and family!